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Il Pilder Set entra nella line-up Evolution Toy Future Quest Metal Action, il set include, Brain Condor (lungo 7.5cm), l'Hover Pilder (lungo 4.5cm) e il Jet Pilder (lungo 4.5cm). Tutti e 3 i veivoli sono realizzati in ABS e metallo die-cast e vengono forniti con un abase espositiva dedicata.


The Pilder Set enters the Evolution Toy Future Quest Metal Action line-up, the set includes, Brain Condor (7.5cm long), the Hover Pilder (4.5cm long) and the Jet Pilder (4.5cm long). All 3 aircraft are made of ABS and die-cast metal and are supplied with a dedicated display base.


Evolution Toy Future Quest Metal Action Pilder Set

€ 160,00Prezzo
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